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I know many in our community have been waiting for a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) Scanner to help with their health needs in Tamworth.  

PET scans are a highly specialised and complex form of nuclear medicine imaging modality, used to detect cancers, as well as to assess brain or heart related conditions. 

Patients and advocates have been calling for the introduction of the service in Tamworth because it means accessing treatment and diagnostics closer to home. 

I’ve been pushing for the government to provide an updated timeline for delivery of the new service so I could let local patients know exactly when they’ll be able to put an end to the pain of having to travel to Newcastle to access treatment. 

I can now let the community know that I have received updated timelines for the delivery of the service: 

  • The tender for the building works required to house the scanner closed on 4 March this year 

  • Construction is anticipated to begin in late March and will be complete in June. This includes construction of lead lined walls and a lab for handing the radioactive isotopes required for the scanner 

  • New equipment expected to arrive at Tamworth Hospital in June  

  • Tamworth Hospital intend to start scanning patients in July  

I know many in our community were looking forward to being able to access the service sooner and will be disappointed to learn of another delay, however I thank the Minister for being up front and honest with our community. 

I’ll continue to work to ensure the government stays on track and honours the commitment to deliver this service for the benefit of patients and their families across the northwest. 

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