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About Kevin Anderson

Kevin Anderson’s commitment to the public service began in the Royal Australian Air Force, before moving to Tamworth and embarking on a 17 year career in journalism and communications.

Kevin’s career in journalism bred a love for the community he now represents. He is driven by a passion for the people of the electorate who he believed were forgotten under the previous Labor government.

Since being elected, Kevin has fought for major infrastructure upgrades like the $211 million Tamworth Hospital, $53 million Gunnedah Hospital, $8.54 million Rural Fire Service Area Command Centre, and more. In his 12 years as the representative for Tamworth, Kevin has secured billions in NSW Government investment for the Tamworth Electorate.

Now in his fourth term representing the people of the Tamworth Region, Kevin has been privileged to serve the people of NSW in a variety of roles including as Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier and for Regional Roads in 2016, Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Roads, Maritime and Transport in 2017, as the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation in 2019, and as the Minister for Lands and Water in 2021.

Mr Anderson's experience in these roles has enabled him to better help his local community and given him an opportunity to provide input into policy that improves the lives of the people of NSW.

At the 2023 election, Kevin was re-elected for a fourth term serving as the Member for Tamworth and appointed Shadow Minister Tourism, Shadow Minister for Gaming and Racing and Shadow Minister for the Arts and Heritage in the Shadow Ministry.



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